Our Newport
We just love Newport and for only 8 square miles of land (22 coastline miles) and a population of 26,000, there’s WAY too much to do …including history, nature, restaurants, shopping, FUN!
Our Favorites
…and don’t mind sharing some of our favorite things – you may notice it’s mostly FOOD! Everybody asks for a recommendation, so be sure to give us your feedback. And check out DiscoverNewport.org and WhatsUpNewp.com for all kinds of info
Tied for most favorite:
- Fluke Wine Kitchen – 41 Bowen’s Wharf, 849-7778, www.flukenewport.com
- Root – 847-2727, www.rootonbroadway.com
Best clam chowder!!!
- Coddington Brewery – 210 Coddington Hwy, 847-6690, www.coddbrew.com
- Black Pearl – Bannister’s Wharf, 846-5264, www.blackpearlnewport.com
Yummy Italian:
- Mamma Luisa – 673 Thames, 848-5257, www.mammaluisa.com
- Pasta Beach – 7 Memorial, 847-2222, www.pastabeach.com
- Nikolas Pizza – 38 Memorial, 849-6611, www.nikolaspizza.com
- Scales & Shells – 527 Thames, 846-3474, www.scalesandshells.com
- Anthony’s – 963 Aquidneck, 846-9620, www.anthonysseafood.net
- Flo’s Clam Shack, 4 Wave Ave, 847-8141, www.FlosClamShacks.com
All around good:
- Red Parrot – 348 Thames, 847-3800, www.redparrotrestaurant.com
- Salvation Café – 140 Broadway, 847-2620, www.salvationcafe.com
- Corner Café – 110 Broadway, 846-0606, www.CornerCafeNewport.com
- Norey’s – 156 Broadway, 847-4971, www.noreys.com
- Caleb & Broad – 162 Broadway, 619-5955, www.CalebAndBroad.com
- Benjamin’s – 254 Thames, 846-8757, www.benjaminsrawbar.com
- Becky’s Barbecue – 82 E Main, 841-9909, www.beckysbbq.com
Quick bite or picnic lunch:
- International Pocket Cafe – 52 E Main Rd, Middletown, 847-8900
- Handy Lunch – 462 Thames, 847-9480
- Ben’s Chili dogs – 158 Broadway, 846-8206
- Easton’s Beach Snack Bar – 175 Memorial Blvd, 855-1910,
www.EastonsBeach.com - Sig’s Place – 1115 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown, 847-3500, www.sigsplacedeli.com
- Flat Waves – 1130 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown, 847-9283, www.flat-waves.com
- Coffee Grinder – 33 Banister’s Wharf, 847-9307, www.coffeegrindernewport.com
Pub Food & Drink:
- Diego’s – 11 Bowen’s Wharf, 619-2640, www.diegosnewport.com
- FastNet Pub – 1 Broadway, 845-9311, www.thefastnetpub.com
- Pour Judgement – 32 Broadway, 619-2115, www.pourjudgementnewport.com
- Newport Blues Cafe – 286 Thames St, 841-5510, www.newportblues.com
- Newport Vineyard – 909 East Main Road, 848-5161, www.newportvineyards.com
- China Star III – 110 William St, 841-5556, www.chinastar3.com – Crab Rangoon a must!
- A1 Pizza – 306 Broadway, 849-2213, www.a1pizzanewportri.com
- Carmella’s – 330 W Main Rd, 847-2424, http://www.carmellaspizzaria.com
- Island Wine & Spirits – 289 Broadway, 847-2641, http://IslandWineRI.com
- Vicker’s Liquors for spirits – 274 Bellevue Ave, 847-0123, www.vickersliquors.com
- Water’s Edge for flowers – 212 Broadway, 847-1111, www.watersedgeflowers.com
- Newport Creamery – 181 Bellevue or 280 W Main Rd, 846-2767,
www.newportcreamery.com - Empire Tea & Coffee – 22 Broadway, 619-1388,
http://www.empireteaandcoffee.com - Del’s Lemonade – 343 Thames, www.dels.com
- Newport Fudgery – 168 and 359 Thames, 849-2228, www.newportfudgery.com
- Newport Sweet Shoppe – 82 William St, 619-4600,
www.newportsweetshoppe.com - The French Confection – 72 E Main, 619-7816, www.TheFrenchConfection.com
Things To-do
- Newport Tour – Front door service! 864 0392, www.NewportTourAndGuide.com
- Aurora – Goat Island, 849-6683, www.newportexperience.com/schooner-aurora
- SightSailing – 32 Bowen’s Wharf, 849-3333, www.sightsailing.com
- History Tours – 127 Thames, 841-8770, www.NewportHistoryTours.org – GREAT walking tours!
- Ghost Tours of Newport – 841-8600, www.ghostsofnewport.com
- Viking Trolley Tours – Visitor’s Center, 847-6921, www.vikingtoursnewport.com
- International Yacht Restoration School IYRS – 449 Thames St, 847-1018, www.iyrs.edu
- Redwood Library – 50 Bellevue Ave, 847-0292, www.redwoodlibrary.org
- Newport Art Museum – 76 Bellevue, 848-8200, www.newportartmuseum.org
- Newport Artillery Company – 23 Clarke St, 846-8488, www.newportartillery.org
- Mansions – 424 Bellevue, 847-1000, www.newportmansions.org
Rough Point, 680 Bellevue, 849-7300, www.newportrestoration.org - Gulls Baseball – 20 America’s Cup, 845-6832, www.newportgulls.com
- Newport Polo Club – 715 E Main, 847-7090, www.nptpolo.com
- Outdoor Movies, newportFILM – 174 Bellevue, 649-2784, www.NewportFilm.com
- Scooter World – 9 Christie’s Landing, 619-1349, www.scooterworldri.com
- Ten Speed Spokes – 18 Elm, 847-5609, www.tenspeedspokes.com
- Jamestown Outdoors – 924-2885, www.jamestownoutdoors.com
- Newport Dinner Train – 23 AMerica’s Cup, 295-1203, www.TrainsRI.com
- Shopping – everywhere!
- Beaches (1st, 2nd & 3rd)
- Purgatory Chasm – Purgatory Rd, 847-7565
- Sweet Berry Farm – 915 Mitchell’s Ln, 847-3912, www.SweetBerryFarmRI.com
- Sachuest Point Natl Wildlife Refuge – 769 Sachuest Pt Rd, 847-5511,
fws.gov/refuge/sachuest_point - Norman Bird Sanctuary – 583 3rd Beach Rd, 846-2577, www.normanbirdsanctuary.org
- Cliff Walk – www.cliffwalk.com
- Newport Tree Walks – 324-9204, history & nature can’t be beat, www.newporttreeconservancy.org (smart phone app available)
- Drive – Follow Ocean Drive. Check out Eisenhower’s Summer House at Ft Adams. Feed carrots to animals at the old Hammersmith Farm (Jackie Kennedy’s home). Visit the lighthouse at Castle Hill. Enjoy the kite sailing at Brenton Point State Park. See mansions along Bellevue.
Work Out
- YMCA – 792 Valley Rd, 847-9200, www.newportymca.org
- Elevate Fitness – 935-6219, www.elevatefitnpt.com
- Newport Power Yoga – 112 William St, 619-4540, www.newportpoweryoga.com
- Favorite Running Route – Best in early morning; left to Memorial, left and across to the Cliff Walk then South to Narragansett, right to Bellevue, right to Kay, right to Rhode Island Ave
- Bike Newport – maps & more! 437 Broadway, 619-4900, www.BikeNewportRI.com
- Massage Therapy – Kate at 595-2675
Kids’ Corner
We all know Newport is a wonderful destination for adults…but there’s also great adventure for kids. Although Admiral Sims’ House Bed & Breakfast specializes in quiet getaways for couples, we also welcome families. Here’s some ideas for fun with kids!
Tours are fascinating!
- Newport Tree Walks –history & nature can’t be beat, www.newporttreeconservancy.org
- Newport Historical Society – great walking tour 127 Thames, 841-8770,
www.NewportHistoryTours.org - Ghost Tours of Newport – scary history is fun, 841-8600,
www.ghostsofnewport.com - Viking Trolley Tours – take a trolley! Visitors’ Center, 847-6921,
www.vikingtoursnewport.com - International Yacht Restoration School IYRS – boats! 449 Thames St, 848-5777,
www.iyrs.edu - Old Colony & Newport Railway – 19 America’s Cup, 624-6951, www.ocnrr.com
- Newport Pedi Cab – transport by bike! Bannister’s Wharf, 432-5498,
www.newportpedicab.com - The Elms – Rooftop & Behind the Scenes Tour is interesting, 847-1000,
www.newportmansions.org - Astor’s Beechwood Mansion – recreates 1890s life, 580 Bellevue, 846-3772
- Breaker’s – Stable & Carriage House has coaches & carriages, Bateman & Coggeshall, 847-1000
- Amazing Grace Harbor Tour – Oldport Marine (Mooring Rest), 847-9109,
www.oldportmarine.com - Jamestown & Newport Ferry – 423-9900, www.jamestownnewportferry.com
Get outside…
- Beaches (1st, 2nd & 3rd) and stop off at Purgatory Chasm on Purgatory Rd
- Sachuest Point Natl Wildlife Refuge – 769 Sachuest Pt Rd, 847-5511,
www.fws.gov/sachuestpoint - Norman Bird Sanctuary – 583 3rd Beach Rd, 846-2577,
www.normanbirdsanctuary.org - Cliff Walk – www.cliffwalk.com
- Gulls Baseball – 20 America’s Cup, 845-6832, www.newportgulls.com
- Newport’s Polo Club – 715 E Main, 847-7090, www.nptpolo.com
- Ten Speed Spokes – 18 Elm, 847-5609, www.tenspeedspokes.com
- Touro Park – see the mysterious Stone Tower, Bellevue
- Farms
– Simmons Farm, 1942 W Main, 848-9910, www.simmonsorganicfarm.com
– Sweet Berry Farm, 915 Mitchell’s Ln, 847-3912, www.sweetberryfarmri.com
– Rocky Brook Orchard, 997 Wapping Rd, 851-7989, www.rockybrookorchard.com
– Glen Farm, 715 E Main, 847-7090, www.newportinternationalpolo.com
– Newport Equestrian, 287 3rd Beach Rd, 837-4188, www.newportequestrian.com
– Escobar’s Farm, 683-1444, www.escobarshighlandfarm.com - Ocean Drive – Check out Eisenhower’s Summer House at Ft Adams. Feed carrots to the animals at the old Hammersmith Farm (Jackie Kennedy’s home). Visit the lighthouse at Castle Hill. Enjoy the kite sailing at Brenton Point State Park. Go to the Vintage Carousel at Easton’s Beach. Fishing anyone?
Go inside and eat, too…
- Newport Public Library – daily story hour, 300 Spring, 847-8720, www.newportlibraryri.org
- Save the Bay Exploration Center – Easton Beach Rotunda, 324-6020, www.savebay.org
- Redwood Library – 50 Bellevue Ave, 847-0292, www.redwoodlibrary.org
- Ryan Family Amusement Center – 266 Thames St, 846-5774, www.ryanfamily.com
- Accidental Artist – create painted pottery – 516 Thames, 848-2501, www.theaccidentalartist.org
- Ben’s Chili Dogs – 158 Broadway, 846-8206
- Nikolas Pizza – 38 Memorial, 849-6611, www.nikolaspizza.com
- Anthony’s Seafood – 963 Aquidneck, 846-9620, www.anthonysseafood.net
- Becky’s Barbecue – 82 E Main, 841-9909, http://beckysbbq.com
- Gary’s Handy Lunch – 462 Thames, 847-9480
- China Star III – 110 William St, 841-5556, www.chinastar3.com – Crab Rangoon a must!
- A1 Pizza – 306 Broadway, 849-2213, www.a1pizzanewportri.com
- Newport Creamery – 181 Bellevue or 280 W Main Rd, 846-2767, www.newportcreamery.com
Arcade Games & Carousel
- Ryan Family Amusements
268 Thames
www.ryanfamily.com/locations/newport - Carousel
Easton’s Beach
Beaches, Scuba & Surfing
- Beaches! 1st, 2nd & 3rd
- Gooseberry Beach, 130 Ocean Drive
- Scuba Made Easy, www.scubamadeeasy.org/is-scuba-diving-easy
- Rhody Surf, www.rhodysurf.com
- Water Brothers – Surf & Skate, 39 1/2 Memorial Blvd,
- International Yacht Restoration School (IYRS)
449 Thames St
www.iyrs.com - Classic Cruises of Newport
RumRunner – Schooner Madeleine
Bannister’s Wharf
www.CruiseNewport.com - Gansett Cruises
Bowen’s Landing
www.GansettCruises.com - Amazing Grace Harbor Tours
Old Port Marine (next to Mooring Restaurant)
www.oldportmarine.com/amazing-grace-harbor-tours.html - Sightsailing of Newport
Aquidneck – Sightsailer – Starlight
Bannister’s Wharf
www.SightSailing.com - Aurora
Lobster Boil & Sunset Sail on Wednesdays!
5 Marina Plaza
http://www.newportexperience.com/#!schooner-aurora/csa2 - Adirondack II
Bowen’s Wharf
www.sail-newport.com/our-boats/schooner-adirondack-ii - Ferries are awesome!!!
Perotti Park
– Jamestown & Newport Ferry
– Newport to Block Island Ferry
– Newport Harbor Shuttle
http://www.oldportmarine.com/newport-harbor-shuttle.html - SailNewport
60 Fort Adams Dr
www.SailNewport.org - Antique Yacht Collection
Bowen’s Wharf
www.AntiqueYachtCollection.com - 12 Meter America’s Cup Sailing
– America’s Cup Charters
– Twelve Meter Charters
http://12metercharters.com - Seal Watch & Nature Cruise by Save the Bay
Bowen’s Landing
- Bike Newport
For biking routes
437 Broadway
www.BikeNewportRI.org - Newport Bicycle
Sales, Service, Rentals
130 Broadway
www.NewportBicycleRI.com - East Bay Bike Path
Bristol to Providence
www.riparks.com/Locations/LocationEastBay.htm - Ten Speed Spokes
Sales, Service, Rentals
18 Elm St
www.TenSpeedSpokes.com - Mansion Scoot Coupe, Scooter, and Bike Rentals
8 Fair St, unit 1
www.MansionRentalsRI.com - Scooter World
Kayaks, Jet Skis, Minis, Scooters, Bikes
12 Christie’s Landing & 142 Long Wharf
- Newport Gulls
Cardines Field
Bird Watching
- We hope you have the privilege to see birds while in Newport
www.ASRI.org - Norman Bird Sanctuary & Natural History Museum
583 Third Beach Rd
www.NormanBirdSanctuary.org - Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge
Past 2nd beach
www.fws.gov/refuge/sachuest_point - More great birding spots:
– Miantonomi Park
– Brenton Point State Park (fields, woods, seashore)
– Albro Woods, Middletown
– Hazard Rd in Nepowrt (Ballard Park and Gooseneck Cove saltmarshes) - Save the Bay Winter Birding Cruises
Jan & Feb
Farms & Farmer’s Market
- Aquidneck Growers’ Market
Wednesdays 2-6pm
Memorial Blvd
Saturdays 9-1pm
Newport Vineyards & Winery
909 East Main Rd
www.AquidneckGrowersMarket.org - Simmons Organic Farm & Petting Zoo
est by John Coggeshall, one of Newport’s original founders
1942 West Main Rd
http://simmonsorganicfarmri.com - Sweet Berry Farm
915 Mitchell’s Ln, Middletown
www.sweetberryfarmri.com - Escobar’s Highland Farm
famous for 8-acre corn maze
133 Middle Rd, Portsmouth
www.escobarshighlandfarm.com - Grange Farmers’ Market
Thursdays 2-6pm
499 East Main Rd - Pier 9 Farmers Market
Fridays 2-6pm
State Pier 9, Long Wharf
- Cast out a line
Beavertail State Park, Jamestown
Brenton Point State Park
Fort Adams State Park
King Park
Causeway to Goat Island
2nd & 3rd Beaches - Charter a trip:
– Fish ‘n Tales Adventures
– Flaherty Charters
– Reel Addiction
– Saltwater Edge
– Sara Star Charters
– Skinny Waters Charters
- Elevate Fitness
60 Hammarlund Way
www.elevatefitnpt.com - RI Hot Yoga
36 Gooding Ave, Bristol
www.rhodeislandhotyoga.com/ - Newport Power Yoga
112 William St
http://newportpoweryoga.com/ - YMCA
792 Valley Rd
www.NewportYMCA.org - Newport Athletic Club
66 Valley Rd
Ghost & Pirates
- Ghost Tours of Newport
Lantern-led evening stroll!
www.GhostsOfNewport.com - Common Burying Ground & Island Cemetary
Farewell St - Burying Ground at Trinity Church
Some of the earliest graves in RI are located at West & North side of church – older than the church even - Arnold Burying Ground
Benedict Arnold family burial ground est 1677 (no, not THAT Benedict Arnold)
Pelham St
www.newportmansions.org/learn/landscape/arnold-burying-ground - Pirates
Newport was a pirate haven…raiding ships from here, returning treasure back here, retiring and growing old here and dying here at the end of a rope!
www.newportri.com/newportdailynews/news/local_state/buried-history/article_c34a1c7c-ba2f-511d-8370-429c987c3da3.html - Dead Men’s Tales
Perrotti Park
- Newport National Golf Club
324 Mitchells Ln, Middletown
www.newportnational.com - Jamestown Golf Course
24 Conanicus Ave, Jamestown
http://jamestowngolf.com - Green Valley Country Club
371 Union St, Portsmouth
- Cliff Walk
3.5mile path – began as footpath in 1700s
http://cliffwalk.com/ - Norman Bird Sanctuary
7 miles of trails
www.NormanBirdSanctuary.org - Sachuest Point Wildlife Refuge
242 acres, visitor center, 2.5 miles nature trails
www.fws.gov/refuge/sachuest_point - Fort Adams Bay Walk
2.2 miles
www.fortadams.org/bVisitbFortAdams/BayWalkMaps.aspx - Sakonnet Greenway Trail
Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown
http://ailt.org/2011/09/trail-maps - Weetamoo Woods
- Castle Hill Lighthouse
590 Ocean Ave
lighthouse.cc/highland/index.html - Rose Island Lighthouse
Rose Island
www.roseisland.org - Lime Rock Light
Wellington Ave – now part of Ida Lewis Yacht Club
www.rhodeislandlighthousehistory.info/lime_rock_lighthouse.html - Goat Island Lighthouse
Northern point of Goat Island accessed from Hyatt Regency Hotel grounds
www.lighthousefriends.com/light.asp?ID=399 - Beavertail Lighthouse Museum
www.BeavertailLight.org - Plum Beach Light
Look down the north side when driving over the Jamestown-Verazzano bridge
- Breakers Mansion
44 Ochre Point Ave
(15,000 light bulbs, 5,000 ornanments, 2,000 poinsettia plants, 18 Christmas trees are used to decorate Breakers, Elms, and Marble House during the holidays!) - Rough Point Estate
680 Bellevue Ave
www.NewportRestoration.org - Preservation Society
The Elms
Green Animals Topiary Garden
Hunter House
Isaac Bell House
Marble House
Massage & Spa
- Massage Therapists we use & love
Amanda Michalik, 401-862-1409
Kate Oster, 401-595-2675 - Newport Acupuncture & Wellness
Massage – Facials – Day Spa
moving location?
www.NewportAcupuncture.com - SpaVana
299 West Main
http://spavana.com - The Bodhi Spa
654 Thames St
Movies, Theater & Comedy
- Jane Pickens Theater
49 Touro St
www.JanePickens.com - newportFILM
Throughout Newport
www.newportfilm.com - Firehouse Theater
Improv Comedy with the Bit Players
4 Equality Park Pl
www.bitplayers.net - Newport Playhouse & Cabaret
102 Connell Hwy
- Newport Historial Society
Museum, Brick Market
Colony House, Washington Sq
Seventh Day Baptist Meeting House, 82 Touro St
www.NewportHistorical.org - Newport Art Museum
76 Bellevue Ave, Newport
www.newportartmuseum.org - Newport Exploration Center & Aquarium
175 Memorial Blvd – First Beach
https://www.savebay.org/family-fun/aquarium/ - International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave
www.tennisfame.com - Whitehorne House Museum
416 Thames St
www.NewportRestoration.org - Who built the Newport Tower??
Tower in Touro Park
Newport Tower Museum at 152 Mill St
www.thenewporttower.com - Artillery Company of Newport Museum
Oldest Artillery in the USA
www.NewportArtillery.org - Audrain Automobile Museum
222 Bellevue Ave
www.AudrainAutoMuseum.org - Whitehall Museum
311 Berkeley Ave
www.WhiteHallMuseumHouse.org - Museum of Yachting
Fort Adams State Park – now at IYRS on 449 Thames St?
www.MOY.org - Irish Heritage Museum
648 Thames St
www.newportirishhistory.org - National Museum of American Illustration
(lots of Norman Rockwell)
492 Bellevue Ave
www.AmericanIllustration.org - Naval War College Museum
686 Cushing Rd
- Tuesday Concert & Picnic Dinner
Sweet Berry Farm - Live Jazz at the Vineyard
Greenvale Vineyard - Beach Concert Series
Tuesdays 6pm
Easton’s Beach - Free Concerts
Long Wharf - Hope
Food – Spirits – Music
10 Broadway
www.facebook.com/HopeBroadwayNewport - Newport Blues Cafe
Blues, Funk, RnB, Motown, Reggae
286 Thames St
- Brenton Point State Park
Occupies former grounds of one of Newport’s grandest estates
Ocean Dr where Narragansett Bay meets Atlantic Ocean
www.riparks.com/Locations/LocationBrentonPoint.html - Ft Adams
90 Fort Adams Dr
www.fortadams.org - Queen Anne Square
Thames St - Purgatory Chasm
50 feet deep glacial cleft with awesome views
Purgatory Rd, Middletown
https://trailsandwalksri.wordpress.com/category/purgatory-chasm-middletown - King Park
Wellington Ave
http://www.cityofnewport.com/visitors/king-park - Miantonomi Memorial Park
McKim, Mead & White built the 3rd largest self-supporting marble dome on the planet (St Peter’s, Taj Mahal)
http://tclf.org/landscapes/miantonomi-memorial-park - Ballard Park
13 acres – hiking, yoga, movies on the rocks, bands, pumpkin tour
15 Wickham Rd or 1 Ocean Heights Rd
- Newport Polo
(Newport hosted first international polo match in US in 1886)
Glen Farm, Portsmouth
- Armory Antique Marketplace
365 Thames St
www.ArmoryAntiquesNewport.com - There is SO much shopping in Newport… boutique shops, antiques, art, jewelry, T-shirts!
– Brick Market Place
– Bannister’s & Bowen’s Wharves
– Aardvark Antiques
– Spring Street shops - Wag Nation
92 William St
www.ShopWagNation.com - JH Breakell & Co
hand-made jewery to die for!
132 Spring St
www.Breakell.com - Thames Glass
688 Thames St
www.ThamesGlass.com - Sole Desire
131 Swinburne Row
- The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese proverb Everyone knows Newport is full of history, but even the trees have an amazing story. Originally, Aquidneck Island was covered with native species of trees. Then two events over time cleared the island’s forests. Beginning in 1638, the new colony was being settled and trees were needed to build houses, burn for heat, and cleared for farmland. Then the British occupation from 1776-1779 used literally all wood (houses, fences, everything) for firewood during harsh winters.
Naturally, Newport’s unique location and weather brought visitors and eventually America’s new, spectacularly rich summer residents. Their summer homes and “cottages” needed landscaping so Newport trees began to grow in importance so that even Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr in 1913 reported that Newport’s tree canopy would quickly become an inseparable part of its storied charm. The gilded age need for landscape architecture coincided with the age of enlightenment when exploratory voyages allowed naturalists to travel the globe for exotic flora. So the gardens of the estate owners flourished which created a big demand for local gardeners. In the process of caring for the estate owners’ gardens, the local gardeners brought seedlings and cuttings back to their own houses so that even modest homes displayed fantastic European Beeches and other specimen trees.
Newport locals and visitors alike have been appreciating the urban forest provided by our predecessors, but have not purposefully maintained and consistently replanted. The town is beginning to see rapid decline in the numbers of Beeches and other specimen trees and has responded through treatment, restoration, and replanting programs. - Newport Tree Society – Newport Arboretum
Go for a tour of Newport’s amazing trees!!
http://NewportArboretum.org/home - The Blue Garden
Beacon Hill Rd
http://thebluegarden.org - Newport Tree Walks
Colonial Tree Walk – Victorian Tree Walk – Gilded Age Tree Walk
Don’t miss this amazing tour!
- Newport Tour & Guide Company
Tammy picks you up at the B&B
www.NewportTourAndGuide.com - Newport History Tours
Museum & Shop at Brick Market
www.NewportHistoryTours.org - Newport Tree Walks
Colonial Tree Walk – Victorian Tree Walk – Gilded Age Tree Walk
Don’t miss this amazing tour!
http://newportarboretum.org/home/programs/newport-tree-walks - Newport Historical Society’s Mobile App
www.newporthistory.org/2012/theres-an-app-for-that - Redwood Library & Athenaeum
(oldest lending library in the USA)
50 Bellevue Ave
www.RedwoodLibrary.org - Touro Synagogue
Touro St
www.TouroSynagogue.org - Trinity Church
141 Spring St
http://www.trinitynewport.org/who-we-are/history - Newport Bicycle Tours
www.newportbicycleri.com/tours - Newport Harbor Walk Tour
Sat 17 Aug 10am – 3rd Saturday of every month May-Oct
Waterfront - Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House
(oldest house in Newport!)
17 Broadway
www.newporthistory.org/properties/wanton-lyman-hazard-house - St Mary’s Church
Location of President Kennedy & Jackie Bouvier wedding
Corner of Spring St & Memorial
www.stmarynewport.org www.returntocamelot.org - White Horse Tavern
oldest tavern in country – no official tour, but stop by and have a drink!
26 Marlborough St
www.WhiteHorseNewport.com - Newport Pedicab
www.NewportPediCab.com - Newport Food Tours
www.nptfoodtours.com - Viking “Newport Trolley Tours”
Visitor’s Center
http://VikingToursNewport.com - Establishing Religious Freedom
Per the 1663 Charter, “Rhode Island and Providence Plantation” was first to grant religious freedom & allow citizens to elect its own officers. Tour more churches:
Great Friends Meeting House (1699) Marlborough St
Seventh Day Baptist Meeting House (1730) 82 Touro St
Second Congregational Church (1735) 15 Clarke St - Newport Dinner Train
23 America’s Cup
Wine & Beer
- Newport Vineyards
909 East Main Rd
www.NewportVineyards.com - Coddington Brewery
293 JT Connell Rd
www.CoddBrew.com - Newport Storm Brewery
293 JT Connell Rd
www.NewportStorm.com - Greenvale Vineyards
582 Wapping Rd, Portsmouth
www.GreenVale.com - Sakonnet Vineyards
162 West Main Rd, Little Compton
Weddings & Proposals
- Glen Manor House
(amazing 1923 French Chateau home on the Sakonnet River)
The Glen, Portsmouth
www.GlenManorHouse.com - Eisenhower House
1 Lincoln Dr, Fort Adams
www.EisenhowerHouse.com - Proposal Tree
Newport lore states the success rate of “proposal tree” is high!
Cliff Walk just off Ruggles Ave